Cat Sitter Secrets Guidebook 

An in-depth look into happy cats, harmonious clients and healthy boundaries

Sixty Pages of Tips & Tricks From a Seasoned Pro

Cat Sitter Secrets Table of Contents

Excerpt from Cat Sitter Secrets:

Cat Sitter Secrets Table of Contents
Cat Sitter Secrets Table of Contents


  Not only  a cat whisperer, Shoshauna is a whiz at gaining the trust of cat care owners. This book condenses years of hard-earned wisdom into well-paced chapters with memorable examples of lessons to learn the easy way. She breaks down what you need to know and why, including how to set boundaries, negotiate responsibilities, and honor client confidentiality. You’ll get common sense advice no one but a seasoned pro would know, including how to handle angry exes, recognize “cat scratch fever,” and identify red flags that might put you in a pickle. Just as every rose has its thorn, every furball has its hairballs, and Shoshauna helps you appreciate the full gamut of the work before you.

--- Angela Rydell, award-winning writer, writing coach, cat client

With unrivaled talent and wisdom,
Shoshauna lets you in on all the trade secrets you need to know to run a successful business. If you want to get paid for spending time with cats,
Cat Sitter Secrets will leave you purring.

--- Timothy Walsh, Ph.D., author, poet, guitarist, cat client